Welcome to The Children’s Viking festival at Egge 12.-14. July 2019!
The city of Steinkjer in Trøndelag county has a rich history, a history every inhabitant is proud of. Steinkjer had a powerful position during the Viking age and was the residence of several chieftains. The saga tells us about the Vikings who lived at the Egge farm – where the festival takes place. The chieftains Olve and Kalv Arneson lived here. Olve was killed by King Olav Haraldson, later St. Olav, at Mære. Kalv was one of Olav’s men, and was offered the farm Egge and Olves wife Sigrid. Kalv moved to Egge and married Sigrid, and in 1030 Kalv had turned against King Olav in the battle at Stiklestad where King Olav was killed.
The Children’s Viking festival has special attractions for children; a viking playground with all kinds of viking activities, competitions and plays. The adult visitors can also enjoy a variety of happenings; the Viking Market offers many sorts of arts and crafts from all over Europe. Finally, there are exhibitions and historic lectures for you to attend, you can become aquainted with the viking cuisine etc.
We are looking for competent craftspeople, market participants, jugglers and musicians!
We emphasises historical accuracy, staging, rich communication skills, fun and enjoyment, good communication and involvement with the audience. The guests at the Viking festival will get to see and try, smell and taste. We will journey back in time!
Are you interested in participating? We would like to make arrangements with you as early as possible, so come right along! We reserve the right to determine who fits.We will pay attention to our regulars, our wishes for profile and variation.
Use this link: https://bit.ly/2iGZzeH
Other questions? Please contact: Maiken Lien Jorgensen, mob. 915 69 545, Maiken@snk.no